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Madalena Productions

Darwin Del Fabro: Revisiting Elis Regina

Darwin Del Fabro: Revisiting Elis Regina album cover art, featuring Darwin in a long black dress.

An album that revisits hits in Elis' voice launched on all music platforms Friday, January 26th.


Rio de Janeiro • Brazil • 2024

On January 26th, 2024, “Darwin Del Fabro - Revisiting Elis Regina” will be available on most platforms. In her first album, the singer, actor, producer and screenwriter Darwin Del Fabro faces the challenge of bringing a new interpretation of classics to the singer's repertoire. “Elis taught me to take ownership of myself. To be free. I was enchanted by this woman who went against the standards of her time, she was small, had short hair, looked a little like a boy, even though she was a girl. She was delicate, but also quite rough. Everything at the same time,” Darwin, who was also born in Rio Grande do Sul, points out.

The idea to revisit classic songs in the voice of Elis Regina is closely linked to Darwin's desire to find herself again, eight years after moving to New York. “I came back to rediscover my love for a Darwin I had left behind, and to embrace him. I knew I wanted to talk about my experiences and discoveries as a non-binary person upon my returning to Rio. There's nothing more conductive than raising my questions through these songs, reimagining the meaning of each one according to my perspectives of place and moment. When I return to my mother tongue and perform hits by the best singer who's ever passed through this sphere."

The musical direction and production of “Darwin Del Fabro - Revisiting Elis Regina” was by the renowned pianist, singer and arranger Delia Fischer, who was awarded for her musical direction of productions like the one that brought Elis back into the spotlight. Fischer assembled a team of sought after musicians with big names in MPB, and regarding the harmony between the two, Darwin comments: “Delia Fischer is a reference in music, an artist in her essence. Apart from the talent, which everyone will appreciate in the album, it is generous and unique to listen to. I've never felt so complete with a material, with the experience and the energy made in that studio. It was magical".

In the voice of Darwin Del Fabro, songs such as “Atrás da porta” (Behind the door), “O bêbado e a equilibrista” (The drunk and the tightrope walker), “Casa no campo” (Countryside House), “Alô, alô, marciano” (Hello, Hello, Martian) and “Tatuagem” (Tattoo) and others (10 in total) take on new contours. Instead of Elis Regina's explosion, the interpreter seeks to underline the text, the stories told in the songs: “In my reading of the songs chosen for the album, I found myself discovering genres, generations and even words that today collide more strongly with my new self. I whisper, in the hope that time stops and listens to ‘que o novo sempre vem’, as we see in the lyrics of ‘Velha roupa colorida’. 

I want to convey my strong message delicately. I'm singing next to you, into your ears," she ends.



"Singing in Portuguese, Del Fabro reinterprets the iconic singer’s classics such as “Atrás da porta” (“Behind the Door”), “Casa no campo” (“Country House”), “Tatuagem” (“Tattoo”), and others in their understated vocal delivery with powerful emotional currents."


"This beguiling album of some of Brazil's most enduring songs is one you won't soon forget."

The Second Disc

"This hauntingly beautiful album accomplished two great things: I started exploring Elis Regina and want to hear more from Del Fabro. Their voice is one that once heard is not going to be easily forgotten."

Cultural Attache

"Del Fabro reinvents classic songs of the iconic Brazilian singer Elis Regina (1945-1982), using a sophisticated and understated vocal delivery with powerful emotional currents and ethereal flourishes, supported by elegantly subtle strings and brass."

City Life Org

"Singing in Portuguese, Del Fabro reinvents classic songs of the iconic Brazilian singer Elis Regina (1945-1982), using a sophisticated and understated vocal delivery with powerful emotional currents and ethereal flourishes, supported by elegantly subtle strings and brass."

Broadway World

"O Correio da Manhã teve acesso ao álbum e comprovou a sensibilidade do trabalho que teve produção e direção musical a cargo da pianista e arranjadora Delia Fisher, conferindo ao álbum momentos de delicadeza e devoção. Artista não binário e gaúcho como Elis, Darwin se entrega às canções e cria um universo só seu em cada registro, talvez tentando nos desvencilhar das óbvias referências que cada canção gravada por Elis nos traga. Mas também por reverência, pois não é preciso recorrer a simulacros ou imitações para celebrar quem nos influencia."

Correio da Manhã

"Darwin Del Fabro lança o álbum Revisitando Elis: “A suavidade vem de uma certeza de estar na direção correta'"

CBN Recife

"Darwin Del Fabro encarou dois desafios em seu novo trabalho: trazer novas interpretações musicais para canções de Elis Regina e levantar suas próprias questões como não-binário por meio dos clássicos de uma das maiores cantoras país."


"Elis Regina é revisitada por Darwin Del Fabro em álbum arranjado sob direção musical da pianista Delia Fischer"

G1 Globo

Nova Versão: Cantor, ator e diretor. Darwin Del Fabro lança repertório de Elis Regina sob ótica não binária.

O Globo | Caderno Ela 

Darwin Del Fabro – Redescobrindo a Magia de Elis Regina

Jornal Marramaque

Darwin Del Fabro lança álbum revisitando Elis Regina

Ideia Delas

Darwin Del Fabro – Revisitando Elis Regina

Revista Prosa Arte e Verso

Pimentinha Reavivada

New Mag

Darwin Del Fabro lança single com nova versão para “Velha Roupa Colorida”, de Belchior


Darwin Del Fabro lança single com nova versão para “Velha Roupa Colorida”, de Belchior

Boomerang Music

Darwin Del Fabro lança nova versão de “Velha Roupa Colorida”, clássico de Belchior. 

Jornal Marramaque

Velha Roupa Colorida’, clássico de Belchior ganha nova e surpreendente versão.

Revista Prosa, Verso e Arte

Darwin Del Fabro lança single com nova versão para “Velha Roupa Colorida”, de Belchior

Jornal da Tribuna

Darwin Del Fabro: Revisitando Elis Regina. Álbum que traz novas leituras para sucessos na voz de Elis chega às plataformas nesta sexta-feira, dia 26.



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